Anglo-Saxon Théodish Belief

Rediscover the many-godded belief of your English Heathen ancestors


The Ealdríce is a Théod (local fellowship) and holy-guild of the Wínland Ríce of Anglo-Saxon Théodish Belief which gathers in central Virginia to worship the gods and goddess of our heathen forbears and to hold (celebrate) the holy-tides of year.

Swá dydon híe þan, dóþ wé swá same.
As they did then, do we so the same.

Anglo-Saxon Théodish Belief, also known as Þéodisc Geléafa or Theodism, is a rekindling of the manygodded troth that was held by our Anglo-Saxon heathen forebears before the coming of Christianity. As Théodsmen, we are given to the mystery of sacral kingship and to the worship of such gods and goddesses as Tíw, Wóden, Þunor, Fríge, and Éastre who are remembered still today in the names for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Easter. Moreover, it is our earnest belief that the elder troth and its thew should be rekindled in its fullness. Indeed, we believe that the gods and ghosts of our fore-elders are worthy of no less.

Mid Rihtum Gódum Willan
With a Right Good Will

The Ealdríce was founded at Éastre 2010 in the Old Dominion of Virginia. Following the farming year, the Théod gathers twice monthly to hold moot and to fain the gods and good wights with worship, song, dance, drink and mickle merrymaking. Should you be minded to learn more about our fellowship of merry Théodsmen, its many-godded Anglo-Saxon Théodish Belief, and its heathen thew (tradition), we welcome you to read more at Háliggyld Books or to subscribe to Spellstów, our online newsletter. You are also welcome to write to us at or at P.O. Box 13961, Richmond, Virginia 23225.


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